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Heather and David have been performing music since the early years of their lives


Having met in 1982, Heather joined David’s band Top Country and the two married soon after.


Spending 12 years on Queensland’s Gold Coast playing professionally in the club circuits they have now come back to Victoria but play internationally


Heather is a well-seasoned performer. She started to sing at 7 years of age at local talent quests, schools and clubs.


Heather won a scholarship to study classically at the Melba Conservatorium and finished with honors at AMEB levels.


Heather has worked in bands since the early 80’s but she is now very happy to sing with husband, David doing what they do best.


David  has performed mainly as a backing band member since the tender age of 13. The best know “star” he has toured with was Normie Rowe where he toured for 2 years around Australia in the late 70’s at the young age of 17.


David has also played for many well-known acts at festivals and concerts such as Lee Conway, The Hawking Bros, and Frankie Davidson.


  Together they will tell you that there is nothing better than working with each other. They have such  diverse backgrounds in music but with their captivate harmonies, along  with their  crystal clear voices all their performances are described as being  exhilarating, humorous, emotive and passionate.


                                                                                                               They have 6 cd's available and a variety of

      samples available on our sample page

                    for every music taste


The Highlights in recent years has been The Homebush festival were we supported names like Adam Brand, Melinda Sneider, Adam Harvey, Paul Costa and Sara Storer.

And at Lake Charlegrark with

Jayne Denham,Paul Costa,James Blundell,Amber Lawrence,Dave "Prousty" Proust and Graeme Hugo 



In 2014 They were inducted into South Australia Country Music Hands Of Fame


2016 Tour of Scotland & England


2017 Edinburgh Fringe Festival


2018 Edinburgh Fringe Festival


2019 Edinburgh Fringe Festival & Ireland



The Hoffmans also have another side to their music, having played in the Queensland Club and Corporate circuit for 12 years .


Venues such as Gympie Rsl ,TinCanBay Golf Club, Tenterfield Bowls Club, Search and Rescue Club Surfers Paradise just to name a few


The Duo perform many covers from Bill Haley, Elvis Presley through to Jimmy Barnes, Tina Turner and Queen ,mainstream 50’s to mid 90’s as well as country showing a very diverse range of music.


They also play as the HIP KATZ DUO for 50's-60's Dance events and partner dancing










Phone: 0422303152

oor send us a message via our contact page

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